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How to bypass the maintenance window for a given month

censhare has a planned regular routine of doing maintenance every month.

If in case, any business requirement arises where the Customers want to not go through the maintenance, they should:

  1. Log a ticket in the tracker -

  2. Use the below template to record the same.

Subject:  Please EXCLUDE Customer “XXX” from the maintenance window in “XXX Month”
Dear censhare,
We got the notification about the planned maintenance for the month xxx. We, XXX, would like to opt out of it due to business requirements.
Please confirm us back when this is considered and updated in your records.
  1. Assign the ticket to “ServiceDesk”.

NOTE: If the request is for multiple months, please utilize the same ticket and ask for the duration to be paused. BUT please note, that we at censhare suggest that the server patching should happen regularly and should not be skipped for more than 2 months in a row for security reasons.

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