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Must the HCMS's java version match my censhare server's java version?


When the java version changes on the censhare application server, must the HCMS satellite servers be updated to match the java version on the application server?


Are the HCMS-Satellites running on their own servers, separate from the censhare application server?

If so, then there is no dependency between the HCMS version and the censhare application version. You only need to worry about the dependency between the JDK and the HCMS versions on their own servers. If you update the satellite servers to use Java 17 then you need to update the HCMS to version 4.0 or higher. The censhare application version does not matter.

If you are going to update the java version also on the censhare application servers then you need to consider the dependencies between the app versions and the java versions and treat it like a regular update. Again, there is no dependency between the HCMS version and the censhare application version.

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